
DENOMINATION SERVICES -- South Pacific Division (SPD)

Free "netAdventist" Websites Provided by SPD

The South Pacific Division was the first division of the worldwide Adventist Church to initiate a program to provide free "netAdventist" websites to Adventist churches, ministries and institutions within their territory. The "netAdventist" Content Management System (CMS) websites are easy to construct and maintain, and come with all the shared features that are a hallmark of the netAdventist product. This includes the ability to construct websites in dozens of languages and non-Roman character sets. The awesome netAdventist website product was originally developed by TAGnet and has been adopted by the General Conference for worldwide use by the Adventist Church.


Click Here to sign-up for your free netAdventist website provided by SPD.


Training and support for your SPD netAdventist website is provided by the South Pacific Web Ministry of the Adventist Media Network located at the Media Center building in Wahroonga, near Sydney, Australia.


Low-cost "netAdventist" Websites from netAserve

Adventist ministries and institutions that do not qualify for a free netAdventist website under the SPD program can still obtain a netAdventist website for a low monthly fee. This netAdventist website hosting and support can be purchased from netAserve, an ASI member and the official training and technical support agency for the netAdventist website product. The awesome netAdventist websites are easy to construct and maintain, and come with all the shared features that are a hallmark of the netAdventist product, including the ability to construct websites in dozens of languages and non-Roman character sets. The netAdventist websites purchased from netAserve are hosted on their "netAdvent.org" server, a state-of-the-art cloud hosting technology network.


Click on the links below for details on purchasing hosting & support for a netAdventist website from netAserve:
netAdventist website hosting & support annual cost
netAdventist website hosting & support online sign-up


Low-cost "netAdventist" Websites for Private Supporting Ministries and Institutions

Independent supporting ministries and non-profit institutions owned by Adventist church members in good standing can also purchase "netAdventist" Content Management System websites from netAserve. Please click on the links above for netAdventist website hosting & support details.

The official website for the South Pacific Division: http://www.Adventist.org.au

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